Animal Welfare Education

Development of a Screencast-Based Flipped Classroom

 to Enrich Learning and Reduce Faculty Time Requirements

in an Animal Welfare Master’s Degree


A new distance learning Master of Science (MSc) degree in Animal Welfare Science, Ethics and Law was established in 2016 within the Centre for Animal Welfare at the University of Winchester, UK. Our program recruited students worldwide, with enrollments increasing dramatically since its inception in 2016. However, despite rapid growth, our MSc has had only one full-time equivalent faculty member. With further projected sharp increases in student numbers, significant programmatic change was required for the MSc to remain viable. After consultation with our students and program team, we decided to transition to a flipped classroom teaching model. Piloting a screencast-based flipped classroom in one course, our objectives were to provide a more enriched, engaging, and effective student learning experience and to increase student satisfaction while concurrently saving staff time in future years. We aimed to provide a series of enriched screencast videos of short (~20-minute) durations, with contents clearly signposted. The new teaching model was well received. Within our 2021 program survey, 100% of respondents expressed a wish to see our screencast-based flipped classroom approach continued, and 71%–86% wished to see it implemented in various additional courses. This model has greatly enriched students’ learning experiences, increasing student engagement and satisfaction while also freeing staff time to engage in discussion fora and additional live sessions. Learning and achievement outcomes also appear positive.We plan to steadily integrate this model across additional courses, although initial time investment will be significant. Hence, this new model will be implemented over several semesters.

Knight A, Mace J, O’Brien C and Carter A (2022). Development of a screencast-based flipped classroom to enrich learning and reduce faculty time requirements in an animal welfare master’s degree. J Vet Med Educ. e20210117. doi: 10.3138/jvme-2021-0117.

Keeping up with The Field on Animal Welfare

Describes the 2015 American College of Animal Welfare symposium.

Knight A (2015). Keeping up with the field on animal welfare. Vet Practice, 47(6), 40.

Academic Centres for Animal Welfare

Discusses the growth of academic centres for animal welfare internationally,

including the creation of our new Centre for Animal Welfare at the University of Winchester.

Knight A (2015). Academic centres for animal welfare. Aust Animal Projection Law J, 10, 46-47.

Pathways to Specialising in Animal Welfare

Describes post-graduate qualifications and routes to specialisation in animal welfare for veterinarians in the US, Europe and Australia and New Zealand.

Knight A (2014). Pathways to specialising in animal welfare. Vet Rec, 175: 449-451.

Educating the Veterinary

Professional about Animal Welfare

Jasmijn de Boo was the Education Programs Manager for the World Soc for the Protection of Animals, who developed this animal welfare syllabus in collaboration with Bristol University.

De Boo J and Knight A (2006). Educating the veterinary professional about animal welfare. Altern Anim Experimentation 23(Spl. issue: Proc. 5th World Congress 2005), 71-74.

Concepts in Animal Welfare’: A Syllabus in Animal Welfare Science

and Ethics for Veterinary Schools

With Spanish translation


For many years, animal welfare organisations have taken the lead in bringing about improvements in animal welfare, as well as helping to change attitudes towards animals. Unfortunately, the veterinary profession has often lagged behind in its support for reform. It is vital therefore that veterinary training includes a good grounding in animal welfare education. In 2003, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) and the University of Bristol launched the ‘Concepts in Animal Welfare Syllabus’ to assist with the teaching of animal welfare in veterinary faculties. The syllabus stimulates focused critical thinking on animal welfare issues.

Jasmijn de Boo was the Education Programs Manager for the World Soc for the Protection of Animals, who developed this animal welfare syllabus in collaboration with Bristol University.

De Boo J and Knight A (2005). ‘Concepts in Animal Welfare’: a syllabus in animal welfare science and ethics for veterinary schools. J Vet Med Educ, 32(4), 451-453.