Article: vegan dog health

Article: vegan dog health

By 2024, 10 scientific studies had demonstrated good health outcomes in dogs fed vegan or vegetarian diets, and the British Veterinary Association had endorsed nutritionally-sound vegan dog diets. Yet no studies had calculated the size of the health benefits that...
Article: vegan pet food: nutritional soundness

Article: vegan pet food: nutritional soundness

A response to a recent study by Daina et al. (2023) asserting nutritional inadequacies in vegan pet diets based on the analysis of only three specific diets — a sample insufficient to draw the sweeping (and incorrect) conclusions made. Also summarises the current...
Article: fox killing methods

Article: fox killing methods

Control methods are applied worldwide to reduce predation on livestock by European red foxes. Lethal methods are intended to kill foxes and can inflict suffering. Non-lethal methods can also inflict suffering and can unintentionally lead to death. Moral debate about...
Article: fox killing methods

Article: tigers in circuses

A major scientific study by Emily Davies and I has just vindicated the position of celebrity naturalist and TV presenter Chris Packham, who claimed in the High Court in 2023 that circus environments can be harmful to the welfare of tigers. Packham had previously...
Award: PhD on vegan pet food

Award: PhD on vegan pet food

In January I was honoured to receive a PhD on vegan pet food (health, behavioural and sustainability implications). This was based on my studies in this field, and was my second PhD. My first critiqued invasive animal use within research and teaching, and explored...