Article: animal research – MDD

Article: animal research – MDD

With my PhD student Constanca Carvalho and others, I co-authored ‘The relevance of in silico, in vitro and non-human primate based approaches to clinical research on major depressive disorder’, in Altern Lab Anim.  ...
Chapters: animal research

Chapters: animal research

Our ground-breaking book: Herrmann K and Jayne K. (2019). Animal Experimentation: Working Towards a Paradigm Change has just been published. It is 100% open access (i.e. free to access)!     I have two chapters in it: • Knight A (2019). Critically evaluating...
Award: SVME Shomer Award 2019

Award: SVME Shomer Award 2019

I was deeply honoured to receive the Shomer Award 2019, from the (US) Society for Veterinary Medical Ethics, at VMX 2019: Veterinary Meeting and Expo. Orlando, FL, US.     This prestigious award is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Robert Shomer, who graduated...