By 2024, 10 scientific studies had demonstrated good health outcomes in dogs fed vegan or vegetarian diets, and the British Veterinary Association had endorsed nutritionally-sound vegan dog diets. Yet no studies had calculated the size of the health benefits that might occur for average dogs fed vegan diets, after controlling for age, sex and other factors that can affect dog health.

My research team has just published the first study to control for such factors. After analysing health outcomes for 2,536 dogs we found substantial improvements in a wide range of health indicators, and lowered rates of common, specific health disorders, for dogs fed vegan diets. A press release is here.



Knight A, Bauer A & Brown HJ (2024). Vegan versus meat-based dog food: Guardian-reported health outcomes in 2,536 dogs, after controlling for canine demographic factors. Heliyon 10(17), e35578. (